Care Instructions
crochet hook care instructions
Our handmade ergonomic crochet hooks are made of resin and other materials. They have been thoroughly tested and should never break during normal crochet use. However, these crochet hooks require a certain level of care, so here are some tips and tricks to help you out:
Upon receipt of your crochet hook, it is packaged in a specially designed foam insert for protection. We recommend that you store your crochet hook either in the original box provided upon shipment or in another way that can cushion and protect it. Please consider avoiding the following:
- Leaving your crochet hook around pets or children who may have access to the hook and can damage the hook (i.e., dropping, biting, throwing, etc.)
- Leaving your crochet hook on a table where the hook can roll and drop to the floor, especially one that is a hard surface (i.e. tile, hardwood floor, etc.)
We recommend to avoid storing your hook above 125 degrees Fahrenheit. We also recommend avoiding storing your hook in locations which can approach that temperature (i.e., your car in the summer).
Your crochet hook has gone through en extensive finishing and polishing process when new. If your hook’s finish ever dulls, it is most likely caused by the outermost layer of the finish getting oils and residue from use. The good news?! It is easy to restore that layer:
Use mild soap and water to rinse off the hook of any oils/residue and let it dry. Once this is done, you can use any plastic polish to bring back its shine. Pro-tip: If you do not own or want to buy plastic polish, toothpaste is a cheap in-home product that does the job. We DO NOT recommend adding acrylic clear coats or any other coating as it may change the surface characteristics of the hook–trust us on this one since we learned the hard way through our testing process.